Wednesday, October 8, 2008

XADO Technology India Blog - Inaugural Post

It’s a cold and rainy morning at Kharkov and these words are simply the recapitulation of our thoughts which have been accumulated in our minds since we joined as a part of International Sales team at XADO Technology. All we can deduce, world is round - physically but the globalization of lubricant brands have proved “World is Flat” and unofficially created fans of Thomas Friedman in the industry and the after effect of this resulted into a new beginning… a Journey which has its own humble genesis with lots of stumbling blocks. It’s all up to us how we use these stumbling blocks as the foundation blocks for our success in India. XADO is not just an ordinary brand of lubricants, our common objective is personify it to the core of customer’s desire based on their needs, wants and demands. The essence of XADO technology is the discovery of the process REVITALIZATION which changed the ordinary approach to repair and gave new opportunities in operation of machines and different mechanisms. Our products which contain “Revitalizant” are nothing but to make you fall in love with your car again and again. Basically, the term "Revitalization" (from Latin "vita" = life) literally means "returning to life". The revitalization process is based on unique physicochemical processes which, under certain conditions, take place in the friction zone of your automobile. At, XADO we provide the only technology in the world which adds both weight and dimension to worn parts and completely restores their geometry while operating. And our dream is to bring this technology to the India’s Shore and No company, of any size, aspiring to be a global lubricant player can, for long ignore this country which is expected to become one of the top three emerging economies. Entering India's marketplace requires a well-designed plan backed by serious thought and careful research- and India is not our Short Term Profit Trip, its place we can foresee an opportunity for long-term growth. So, on this eve of Vijaya-Dashami, we commence our journey towards the success with a pious belief in our heart, by creating a space in the blog world, for our prospective partners, distributors and customers. God Bless All!!

                                                               - International Sales , XADO Technology, Kharkov,Ukraine